Dairy-Free Fettuccine Alfredo Sauce

Dairy-Free Fettuccine Alfredo Sauce

This dairy-Free Fettuccine Alfredo Sauce is so delightful!

Who doesn’t like this creamy and flavorful sauce?! 💖 And how great does it pair with pasta, right? But here is a dairy-free girl, improvising to find a recipe that fulfills the rich taste of a wonderful Italian sauce.

This recipe is so simple to make. It just needs a handful of ingredients to achieve that DELI-WONDERFUL Dairy Free Fettuccine Alfredo Sauce in 30minutes! That’s it!

The sauce turned out pretty well with my gluten-free Fettuccine pasta. My husband who doesn’t have any issue with dairy, loved it and I did too!!

To be honest, I felt like the vegan gastronomy guru with all the praises.😂

Things to keep in mind for the Dairy-Free Fettuccine Alfredo Sauce

  • You have to start by soaking the cashews in hot water. Leave them soaking while you are preparing the rest of the ingredients for the Alfredo Sauce.
  • This awesome sauce will really come together when you sauté the white and green onion with garlic, olive oil, black pepper, salt, mushrooms and fresh parsley.
  • Blend the cashews with the water it was soaking in, adding salt and pepper.
  • Add the blended cashew paste to the sautéd veggies. The combination of this mixture will turn into this recipe, in a very nutritional and yummy option!
  • Make the pasta according to package instructions. We will serve the sauce when it is done!

NOTE: (See the recipe card at the bottom of this page for full amounts and instructions.)


  • For a more creamy texture, you can add 1 cup of unsweetened vegan milk if you like.
  • You can garnish your Alfredo Fettuccine Sauce with vegan parmesan cheese.
  • if you want a stronger cheesy flavor, add 4 tbsp of nutritional yeast when you’re blending the cashews!

Another way you can serve this dish

You can eat this Dairy Free Fettuccine Alfredo cream Sauce with or without animal protein. That is according what fits best for your diet. To this recipe, I made breaded chicken that went well with the pasta!

pasta alfredo feature pic

Dairy-Free Fettuccine Alfredo Sauce

This recipe is so simple to make. It just needs a handful of ingredients to get a DELI-WONDERFUL Dairy Free Fettuccine Alfredo Sauce in 30minutes! That's it!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Main Course, Sauce
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4 people
Calories 412 kcal


  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ cup green onion cut in small pieces
  • ½ cup white onion cut in small pieces
  • 2 garlic cloves one minced the other whole (to put in the cashews mixture)
  • 226 gr mushrooms cut in pieces
  • black pepper to taste
  • salt to taste
  • ½ cup cashews soaked in hot water
  • ½ cup hot water
  • cup parsley for adding in the Alfredo Sauce and for garnish
  • 1 pkg Fettuccine paste I used gluten-free pasta
  • ½ cup alternative milk


Preparing the veggies

  • Soak the cashews in hot water while you are preparing the veggies.
  • In a pan, add 2 tbsp of olive oil and heat it on low/medium temperature.
  • Slice the mushrooms thinly and place them in the pan with the minced garlic and the whole piece of garlic. Add the white and green onion, pepper and salt to taste. Sauté for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, turn the heat down.
  • Bring a large pot of water to a boil, then add the pasta and cook according to the package instructions. Drain, then add it back to the pot and cover until the sauce is done.
  • Transfer the cashews and water in a blender and add the whole clove of garlic you sautéd with the veggies. Season with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil. Blend it on high until emulsified.
  • Add ½ cup of alternative milk to the sautéd veggies and stir well. Then,add the blended cashews. You have made the Alfredo Sauce!
  • Pour the dairy-free Alfredo sauce over the pasta and stir. Serve immediately. You can garnish the Fettuccine pasta with parsley and vegan Parmesan on the top.


** The calories are just an estimation and these ones can vary according the ingredients that are going to be used**
Keyword Dairy-free Alfredo Fettuccine Sauce

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Spanish Translation/ Traduccion al Español

¡Esta salsa Fettuccine Alfredo libre de lácteos es exquisita!

¿A quién no le gusta esta salsa cremosa y sabrosa? 💖 Y que bien empata esta salsa con la pasta, ¿verdad? Y aquí esta, esta chica que no consume lácteos, tratando de improvisar para encontrar una receta que pueda alcanzar las expectativas del maravilloso sabor de esta salsa italiana.

Esta receta es muy fácil de hacer. Solo necesita de un manojo de ingredientes para lograr esa DELI-MARAVILLA de salsa Fettuccine Alfredo libre de lácteos que esta lista en tan solo 30 minutos. ¡Así no más!

La salsa quedó super bien con la pasta de Fettuccine libre de gluten que cociné. A mi esposo, quien no tiene ningún problema con los lácteos, ¡le encantó y a mi tambien!!

Para ser honesta, me sentí como la guru de la gastronomía vegana con todos los halagos. 😂


  • Debes comenzar por remojar 1/2 taza de marañones en 1/2 taza de agua caliente. Déjalos remojando mientras preparas el resto de los ingredientes para hacer la salsa Alfredo.
  • Esta increíble salsa empezará a tomar forma, cuando saltees 1/2 taza cebolla blanca y 1/2 taza de cebolla larga con los dientes de ajo (uno cortado en pequeños pedazos y el otro entero), 1 cda aceite de oliva, pimienta negra y salal gusto, 226 gr de champiñones y 2 cda de pérejil fresco.
  • Licúa los marañones con el agua que se puso a remojar. Agregue1 cda de aceite de oliva, el ajo entero que puso a sazonar con las verduras, pimienta negra y sal al gusto. Licúa hasta que veas una consistencia cremosa.
  • Cocina la pasta de acuerdo a las instrucciones que leas en el paquete que compraste. Servir inmediatamente.


*Para una consistencia mas cremosa, puedes añadir 1 taza de leche alternativa que sea sin endulzar. Puedes utilizar la que tengas.

*Puedes guarnecer la salsa Alfredo con la pasta Fettuccine poniendo queso parmesano( vegano o régular).

*Si quieres un sabor a queso más intenso, añade 4 cdas de levadura nutricional cuando estés lícuando los marañones.

Otra forma en que puedes servir este plato

Puedes servir esta pasta de Fettuccine Alfredo libre de lácteos con o sin proteina animal. Esto de acuerdo, con lo que mejor se acomode a tu dieta. Para esta receta, quise hacer un pollo empanado que  ¡emparejó perfecto con esta pasta!

¿Hiciste esta receta?

Si hicíste esta receta, déja un comentario abajo y dale una puntuación llenando las estrellas.

También puedes compartir una foto en Instagram con el hashtag #thesunshinekitchen__

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